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Vee´s Kaffeerösterei El Salvador, 1000 g

Vee´s Kaffeerösterei El Salvador

Manufacturer product description

At the beginning of the 18th century, coffee was first cultivated by the French on the Caribbean islands, then the colonies of the French. Around 1740 coffee found its way to Central America, to El Salvador, south of Guatemala, west of Honduras, north of Nicaragua. El Salvador is known to grow almost exclusively "original coffee" (Arabica Heirloom varieties, direct descendants of the original coffee from Ethiopia and Yemen), 68% Arabica Bourbon (a Heirloom mutation from Réunion Island around 1700) and 30% Arabica Pacas, a bourbon mutation discovered in 1949. The breeding of Arabica Pacamara, a cross between Arabica Red Maragogype (an Arabica Typica mutation, also called elephant blossoms) and Arabica Pacas (Arabica Bourbon mutation) was a masterpiece of the Genetics Department of the Salvadoran Institute for Coffee Research (ISIC) in 1958. 30 years of careful breeding, ISIC released the fifth generation of Pacamara for cultivation. The coffee is grown in El Salvador on volcanic soil at altitudes of 1200 m - 1500 m. Pacamara coffee beans are three to four times the size of conventional coffee beans. The coffee is somewhat stronger and more intense than Maragogype, has an extremely pleasant fullness (medium-body), and the aroma depends strongly on the degree of roasting. Vee's prefers a cautious, but longer roasting. Vee's Sweet Pacamara develops fruity hints of ripe oranges with intense aromas of brown sugar, caramel and sweet chocolate. Vee's Sweet Pacamara can therefore be drunk both as coffee and as a mild espresso.

Vee´s Kaffeerösterei

El Salvador


1000 g whole beans

31,60 EUR

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