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Vee´s Kaffeerösterei Frühstücks Röstung, 1000 g

Vee´s Kaffeerösterei Frühstücks Röstung

Manufacturer product description

For some time now we have been asked to develop a coffee blend that is not too strong but still extremely aromatic to be able to drink several cups for breakfast. We have therefore opted for a noble blend of large-bean highland coffees. And the art of roasting plays a decisive role in this. Coffee beans burst like popcorn when roasted. The energy (heat) required for this depends on the radius of curvature of the beans. The larger the bean, the less curvature, the gentler the roasting (lower temperature). And large beans grow mainly in Central America. The coffee varieties are called Arabica-Maragogype (elephant beans, an Arabica Typica mutation (1870)), Arabica-Pacamara (a cross between Arabica Red Maragogype and Arabica Pacas (an Arabica Borbon mutation (1949) from El Salvador (1958)) and sifted Arabica Bourbon and Arabica Typica beans. In short, in our opinion, the best beans for a balanced and aromatic breakfast coffee, which can be drunk both black and with milk and whose aromas are not lost in milk. Our breakfast roast has a medium, balanced fullness (body), hardly any acidity (you can also enjoy our coffee cold) and noble aromas reminiscent of walnuts, milk chocolate and cocoa.

Vee´s Kaffeerösterei

Frühstücks Röstung


1000 g whole beans

27,20 EUR

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