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Vee´s Kaffeerösterei Papua Neuguinea, 1000 g

Vee´s Kaffeerösterei Papua Neuguinea

Manufacturer product description

Coffee from New Guinea comes from the eastern part of the world's second largest island (north of eastern Australia), Papua New Guinea, where cultivation began in 1927 with seeds of the famous Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee (Arabica Blue Mountain variety), which were smuggled out of the then English colony of Jamaica to the annoyance of colonial power. Vee's "Organic Wild Blue Mountain" is a wild, original coffee from strictly controlled organic cultivation. It grows in the Morobe Highlands under ideal climatic conditions on weathered, volcanic, sea-facing, highly nutritious soils at altitudes of 1,100 m to 1,800 m. The "wild" Blue Mountain coffee from New Guinea is, according to many experts, one of the best coffees in the world and because of the better climatic conditions and the higher altitude it has ever been more complex and aromatic than Jamaica Blue Mountain coffee. And it's affordable. Coffee from Papua New Guinea combines the lively fruity aroma and fine freshness of Latin American coffee (Costa Rica, Galapagos, Guatemala) with the typical richness and complex depth of Indonesian coffee (Java). Vee's Organic Wild Blue Mountain is wonderfully full-bodied, with noble fullness; very fine, subtle acidity; and complex, fruity aromas with hints of nuts, mango and papaya.

Vee´s Kaffeerösterei

Papua Neuguinea


1000 g whole beans

27,60 EUR

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