
Melitta Caffeo CI bitter coffee

Posted by: Barge January 09, 2024 02:16 pm

Machine: Melitta Caffeo CI
Grind setting:Finest
Water temp:Highest
Strength:4/4 beans
Beans:Lavazza quality oro mountain grown
Taste:Very bitter

Tried medium grind settings with different quantities but it all tasted very bitter
Could it be that the beans are the problem? I cannot make a good tasting coffee without sugar, even with sugar it's mediocre

Posted by: Gast_James February 04, 2024 10:59 pm

You can usually get to grips with this by 1. changing the grind, 2. changing the coffee strength setting and 3. using a different blend (more water or milk) for mixed drinks. The most important thing, however, is the type of coffee you buy. The varieties taste very different. For example, espresso coffee is far too bitter for me, so I always use crema coffee or similar for my cappuccino. As the Melittas can manage 2 types, my wife likes to use espresso with a little more water for her normal coffee (it's programmable). Nevertheless, the type of coffee is always the most important thing. Cheap coffee beans roasted very quickly in a fast process can taste terrible. With the right settings, good coffee delivers lots of different flavors instead of bitterness. It can take a long time to find what you really like. For example, we have just found a branded coffee (espresso) that tastes fantastic (under €10). But I can't stand it, probably because of the Robusta content).

Bean2cup.org > Melitta > Melitta Caffeo CI bitter coffee
