
Melitta CITOUCH No coffee! drips down brewing unit

Posted by: gravity121 February 29, 2024 11:46 pm

Hi guys,

I've looked through the forum and I know that the issue might be the flow meter, drainage valve or brewing unit. I don't know how to identify which one.

Essentially, coffee is not coming out the spouts but is dripping down the brewing unit. I've tried all the steps suggested by Melitta, soaking the brewing unit, extra descaling etc. Out of warranty.

If I press the hot water button, hot water does come out. During the descaling process, at a certain point, water comes out of the coffee spouts. But after, when trying to make a coffee, I do not get any liquid out.

I took the front off the drip tray so I could video what is happening inside. I've included a link below to a 100 mb video (expires Mar 7th) that shows the inside of the machine during making coffee. There is water dripping down the brewing unit.

I do not know enough from this to make a diagnosis. If anyone can diagnose from this or offer advice on how to identify which part I need to fix I'd really appreciate ie.


All the best,
CI TOUCH F630-102

Bean2cup.org > Melitta > Melitta CITOUCH No coffee! drips down brewing unit
