
Coffee fully automatic grande 6600

Posted by: MarTina.57 August 28, 2017 08:11 am

Hello everyone,
my coffee maker AEG Grande 6600 shows in the display "press menu and 1cup "
subsequently "use brewing station" although it is inside. Who knows what's going on? The upper switch on the thermostat has already been replaced, this was not the reason. In addition, the machine makes loud, tantalising noises when switched on.
Many thanks in advance.

Posted by: kaffeechris August 29, 2017 11:25 pm

Take the brewing unit apart and revise, grease the spidel for the drive, then make sure that the spidel nut is still correct.
replace this drive.

MfG Chris

Bean2cup.org > AEG > Coffee fully automatic grande 6600
