
Jura E8 descaling

Posted by: Dorothea Eichenseher April 15, 2023 10:00 pm

I have a Jura E8 (no touchscreen) since December 2022.
I would like to descale it without asking.
How to do it?

Posted by: Schlawi April 16, 2023 08:56 am

Do not know the new E8, but there must be no water filter in the machine.
As far as I know, they are automatically detected by an RFID chip in the machine.
Under certain circumstances, you have to deactivate the filter in the menu.

Posted by: Dorothea Eichenseher April 16, 2023 11:37 am

Thanks first of all.
I removed the filter and told the machine (or it noticed).
Now when I turn on the machine, the first thing it does is heat up. In the settings menu, I am offered cleaning (which I have already done several times), but no descaling. But I want to do this because the coffee only drips out.
What do I have to do for this?

Posted by: Almaty April 16, 2023 11:50 am

Filter must be set to no in menu, otherwise deactivation will not be displayed.

Posted by: Schlawi April 16, 2023 11:50 am

How to start the descaling in the machine without prompting I do not know unfortunately.
Can you see in the menu how much is still missing until the regular descaling?

You could set the water hardness man high as far as it goes.
Is the water coming slowly in the hot water? Do you have more water in the drip tray? Is the pump quieter than normal?

Posted by: Dorothea Eichenseher April 17, 2023 10:33 am

I found it! After clicking around long enough on the buttons to the right and left of the display, I actually found the menu item I was looking for, "Descale" (including progress bar). That's what I was looking for.
Thanks to both of you who replied!

Bean2cup.org > Water & Lime > Jura E8 descaling
