
Philips EP 2231 - Water vapor escapes

Posted by: Rinie June 22, 2021 11:34 am

Hello, on my Philips EP 2231 LatteGo the milk frothing no longer works. When I press the cappucino button after the beans are ground, hot steam comes out of the machine instead of into the milk container. It steams everything and drips. Does anyone know a remedy?
Thank you very much.

Posted by: Gast_Bernd October 16, 2021 08:32 am

Hello, I have exactly the same problem. With me it always occurs when I have descaled the machine or have replaced the AquaClean filter. I have already disassembled the machine several times and checked the hoses and blown through. But I have not found a solution.

Posted by: W January 09, 2023 01:11 pm

Probably the outlet nozzle is defective. This can be easily replaced. Here is the link: https://fixpart.ch/de/product/view/0005322042?gclid=CjwKCAiAk--dBhABEiwAchIwkZUxowqPo18OIQmoFn4E7jgdVlrGcg5HgFf93a72Uv7PNHpo6DIfwxoCZlQQAvD_BwE //fixpart.ch/de/product/view/0005322042?gclid=CjwKCAiAk--dBhABEiwAchIwkZUxowqPo18OIQmoFn4E7jgdVlrGcg5HgFf93a72Uv7PNHpo6DIfwxoCZlQQAvD_BwE

Posted by: A January 20, 2023 12:53 pm

My machine has a similar problem - after 2 years the classic milk frother got a little loose and I cannot find the replacement anywhere. I tried the link above but this german site is very hard for me to navigate, can anyone help?
I mean this shiny pipe along with the plastic/gum valve (?).

Bean2cup.org > Milk & frothing > Philips EP 2231 - Water vapor escapes
