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Jura E8 vs. Siemens EQ700 classic


June 19, 2024 03:08 pm


Coffee drinker

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 1

Member No.: 75546

Joined: June 19, 2024

Hi everyone!

After almost 7 years, we would like to upgrade from our current entry-level Siemens KVA (EQ S100) to something new and were thinking of either the Siemens EQ700 Classic or switching to Jura with the E8 model.

Jura is said to have a lot of good things to offer. What bothers me

- Smart connectivity only with additional hardware (OK, at a good €20 it's cheap, but hey - it's 2024!)
- Fixed brewing unit - can that work?
- Apparently no favorites function - my wife drinks mild coffee, I prefer strong coffee. With the E8, you obviously always have to change it because there are no favorites (or I overlooked them)

What do you think? Which one would you choose?

Our customers and quantities: my wife (only drinks 1-2 coffees a day and with lots of milk) and me, who drinks 6-7 cups a day. Plus specialty coffees, especially cappuccino and latte m.

Many thanks in advance!

Best regards,