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Latte macchiato mit Jura E8

Which position of the nozzle?

Gast_Alf aus Mannheim

March 27, 2021 03:45 pm


Hello, everyone,

just arrived my new "professional" fine foam nozzle for the Jura E8 (G1) here. Unfortunately, the enclosed information is limited to cleaning the same (but that in twelve languages); no word on the attachment / assembly or use.
After I finally found the opening for the milk hose ;-), I wanted to make myself a nice "latte" first.
My question here in the round: Which position of the fine foam nozzle do you recommend for this? Now please do not say: "This is a matter of taste, just try it!". I'd like to know how YOU make it - if you have the same nozzle, where you can infinitely choose between (cold) foam and (hot) milk.
Best thanks in advanceAlfP

.S.: If someone from Jura is reading along here


Are not your machines already expensive enough, or why do you have to order this nozzle extra mad.gif?


March 27, 2021 09:32 pm



Group: Mitglieder

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Member No.: 14628

Joined: December 26, 2011

Did you have to order the fine foam nozzle separately? Do not know the E8 now, but the frother is usually included.
Where did you buy the machine then?


August 13, 2021 01:19 pm


Coffee drinker

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Joined: April 02, 2021

Hi! Same story with my Nespresso by Delonghi. How did you solve it? I purchased it in the official store btw

my review about coffee scales