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Spare part within EQ.9 brewing unit


April 12, 2024 08:49 pm


Coffee drinker

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 1

Member No.: 74007

Joined: April 12, 2024

Hello everyone,

I actually clean my Siemens EQ.9 relatively often and conscientiously.
However, what must have slipped through my fingers so far is the lower plunger, or what you call the sieve into which the ground beans fall.
Today I noticed that it is very encrusted and the holes are almost all clogged.
All cleaning attempts have failed so far.
- Lemon salt solution - Dissolved Siemens cleaning tablet - Rinse, etc. - Even longer soaking is unsuccessful. Lemon salt solution
- Dissolved Siemens cleaning tablet
- Washing-up liquid etc...
- Even prolonged soaking is unsuccessful, the deposit cannot be scraped off.

So I wanted to see if the part is available as a spare part, but I have no idea what it is called and have not found an exploded drawing for the group.

Perhaps someone here can advise me either on cleaning or on the spare part?
Please find attached the pictures
Many thanks in advance.


Siemens EQ.9plus connect s500 (TI9555X1DE)

Attached Image


April 14, 2024 11:03 am



Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 214

Member No.: 31782

Joined: January 14, 2018

Parts for the Siemens brewing unit don't seem to be available separately.

By "lemon salt" do you mean citric acid?

I clean such parts in an ultrasonic bath with the addition of a cleaner.
I prefer to use an ancient, cheap device from Aldi for this.

Otherwise, the only other option is mechanical cleaning with a toothpick or something similar.