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ETAM 29.660 Authentic cappuccino

Brewing unit is driven all the way up u.kle


February 15, 2021 05:37 pm


Coffee drinker

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 2

Member No.: 42892

Joined: February 15, 2021

Hi all
,have purchased a used machine that was sold as untested. In the photo, the machine was still normal on u.showed only "Fill water tank". When the machine arrived at me, it shows only briefly "self-diagnosis" in the display u.then the display was dark again. Nothing else happened. Then I opened the flap on the side and could see that the brew group is on top and does not move. Guess the seller just pulled the plug when the machine was on.
Wanted to then go into test mode to test if the brew group would go down in the test. But then had to find out that the usual test mode button combination for the ETAM doesn't work here because the machine doesn't have a latte macchiato button.
Can anyone tell me which button combination would be correct for the ETAM 29.660?
Or is there a way to operate the brew group drive manually?
Or do I now have to disassemble the whole machine to get the complete drive including brew group out?

I hope someone has a tip on the best way to proceed here?
Also, does anyone have any tips on where I can find a repair manual for this machine?

Thanks in advance.


February 15, 2021 08:20 pm



Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 1106

Member No.: 14628

Joined: December 26, 2011


would try times through all combinations. There are also models on which the drip tray must be out. There is certainly a test mode. Has probably only been described nowhere. Also try the ECAM.
Normally the brewing unit comes by itself in starting position when switching on. Can be from a defective motor, a switch that does not switch to the control much.


February 18, 2023 08:56 pm


Coffee drinker

Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 1

Member No.: 63155

Joined: February 18, 2023

Hi. Did you manage to find how to activate test mode on.?
I'm having same prob and need the test mode. Cheers