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Problem with the new Saeco espresso machine

Water in the saucer


January 29, 2024 09:57 am


Yesterday I bought my first ekpres for home, the choice was Saeco sm6580.
After a few coffees a message popped up to empty the grounds container, only the grounds themselves were not much, but in general in this stand where the container is a lot of water. I have several coffee makers at work that I often use, admittedly different models, but I have never seen water in this stand.
Of course, I leave the empty cup under the nozzles.
This is normal in this model ? Where does the water come from there at all ?


January 29, 2024 05:53 pm



Group: Mitglieder

Posts: 1106

Member No.: 14628

Joined: December 26, 2011

This is normal. It's the residual water that runs into the machine after every cup of coffee.