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New Coffee Value Assessment Protocol from the SCA


The Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) launched the beta version of the Coffee Value Assessment Protocol and Form at the Re:co Symposium in Portland, Oregon. The goal of this tool is to provide a more accurate look at specific coffee to determine its value.

image source: Adobe Stock, Friedbert

The tool is based on four assessment types: physical, extrinsic, affective and descriptive. The SCA Coffee Value Assessment Protocol allows coffee experts to inventory valuable attributes of coffee. The tool is currently in beta and will be tested by the community before going through SCA's standard development processes. SCA CEO Yannis Apostolopoulos also announced an early adopter program to help refine the system protocol and forms through community feedback. The goal is to create a global database accessible to all to share knowledge about the value of coffee.

The SCA wants to ensure that this tool is also accessible to coffee producers and organizations worldwide to promote sustainable and equitable production. At the Re:co Symposium, attendees will have the opportunity to apply the new rating system during a special seminar track and sensory experience. There will also be many other opportunities to interact with the new rating system at the Specialty Coffee Expo. For more information on beta testing the protocol and applying for the early adopter program, interested parties can visit


After a technical study in 2005 he went to a repair center for electrical appliances. When there was a lot of coffee, many coffee machines were dismantled and analysed. Since then he shares his knowledge online. A real coffee junkie.