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Arko Reformkaffee »Extra Mild«, 500 g

Arko Reformkaffee »Extra Mild«

Manufacturer product description

Sensitive hands formed this fine coffee blend. The taste result: incomparably mild and sweet. An ingenious composition! A coffee-brown seducer with a well-formed body and soft scent. Reform coffee "Extra Mild" is soft and mild overall. With a gently rounded cup profile. Tickled by a delicate, barely perceptible acidity. "Extra Mild" Reform Coffee is a flattering blend for lovers of pleasurably inspired gourmet moments. Indulge in coffee enjoyment - because every cup of "Extra Mild" acts like a soft kiss on your soul: full of softness and sweetness. A full-bodied cup - the round blend is aromatic, but of very subtle acidity and a softness that is also ideal for coffee beginners.


Reformkaffee »Extra Mild«


100% Arabica coffee beans

500 g whole beans

6,99 EUR(13,98 EUR / 1 kg)

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