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Cafe Plaisir Monsooned Malabar AA, 1000 g

Cafe Plaisir Monsooned Malabar AA

Manufacturer product description

Coffee exposed to the Indian monsoon is deprived of its original acidity. It has a rich, heavy, massive body, a chocolaty aroma with notes of spices and nuts. Coffee that has already been pulped is exposed to the monsoon winds and local humidity in sisal bags "in warehouses", the coffee absorbs moisture and is later dried. The long sea voyage is said to have created this processing process during the times of sailing ships. The cup is full, strong, spicy, slightly woody, with little acidity, much fullness and body.

Cafe Plaisir

Monsooned Malabar AA


100% Arabica coffee beans

1000 g whole beans

23,80 EUR

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