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Henry`s Coffee World Brasil Fazenda Lagoa, 1000 g

Henry`s Coffee World Brasil Fazenda Lagoa

Manufacturer product description

Fazenda Lagoa, unwashed. Particularly stomach- and gall-friendly, low in acid! Very mild, restrained in the body. From the Fazenda Lagoa in the state of Minas Gerais. Ideal as an espresso. In the heart of Minas Gerais, embedded in softly formed mountains, between lakes and fertile farmland, lies the Fazenda Lagoa at about 1200m. We met the owner of the Fazenda Lagoa, Marcelo Vireira and his family as a very committed coffee farmer committed to the highest quality! We have full confidence in him and his employees. And we are happy about his social attitude and his responsibility towards his employees and pickers. For example, he provides his team of over 1000 employees with apartments and houses, has built a school for the children and supports additional educational projects in his state of Minas Gerais. The ecological conditions of this region and the traditional cultivation methods are the reason for the successful cultivation of coffee. This is particularly expressed in the incomparable taste. The high cultivation height and the climate in Brazil result in a slightly lower caffeine content and a harmonious, very restrained acidity. The careful harvest and natural preparation of the Fazenda Lagoa coffee lead to an exquisite, light caramel note. The strict and continuous quality control during the whole ripening period and during processing, as well as the careful selection of the best lots result in a small but highly qualitative harvest, which is reserved only for the best quality roasters - such as Henry's Coffee World! Aroma: slightly caramelized, rich Acid: low acidity, especially gentle on stomach and gall bladder Body: mildly spicy, creamy

Henry`s Coffee World

Brasil Fazenda Lagoa


1000 g whole beans

23,96 EUR

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