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Schneid Kaffee Brasilien Sao Silvestre, 1000 g

Schneid Kaffee Brasilien Sao Silvestre

Manufacturer product description

The Fazenda Sao Silvestre coffee plantation, owned by Ismael Andrade, combines sustainability and quality in an exemplary way. As a member and supporter of the Rotary Club, he donates part of his green coffee proceeds directly to the Santa Casa hospital in Carmo do Paranaiba. Since there is unfortunately no state-financed medical care in Brazil, poor people have no chance of receiving medical treatment. With the help of this project, medical care is offered free of charge to everyone at Santa Casa. With the proceeds of approx. 7,000 Euro per year, new employees are hired, modernizations and technical equipment are purchased. Thanks to the support of German roasters, financial security and donations for the hospitals will continue to exist. The coffee is grown at about 1,300 metres in the Brazilian mountains of Minas Gerais. The fertile volcanic soils allow wonderful Arabica coffee plants to thrive, creating one of Brazil's best coffees with sustainability and gentle treatment. Chemical fertilizers are absolutely taboo here. The semi-washed method or'pulped natural plus' is used for the treatment, which saves half the water otherwise required, but the coffee beans also develop a complex character in terms of taste. In the annual Cup of Excellence competition, it is one of Brazil's best coffees. The bean has a mild taste with fine chocolate, caramel and nut aromas. The acidity is light and unobtrusive. Plantation: Fazenda Sao Silvestre Mounting height: 1,300 metres Type of coffee: Yellow Icatu, Catuai, Bourbon Preparation: pulped natural plus (semi-washed) Project: Hospital Coffee

Schneid Kaffee

Brasilien Sao Silvestre


1000 g whole beans

20,40 EUR

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